Sunday, July 17, 2005

NKF Field Day

Well, the dust is still settling from the recent furore. Classic case of David and Goliath, with a twist. Goliath won. In light of the all the events that transpired, it is not difficult to look at the case cynically. It just further proves my own opinion that what we give to charity never fully benefit the needy.

While signing off donating directly through the phone, monthly contributions or the tin cans since a long time ago, I still do give to the needy on the street or help a stranger in need.

Several high profile people have emerged to say that we should not stop giving as the people who need help would be the ones to suffer. Latest personality would be Mrs PM who wrote in her own capacity. What I feel is that most Singaporeans still want to give, but there must be accountability. While it is not wrong for NKF to accumulate its reserves, it is very wrong to withhold information to make it seem poorer than it is. That is the crux of the matter - to be truthful.

The higher-uppers really do not seem to empathise with the man on the street. True, what the former CEO earned may be peanuts compared to the donations he had garnered. However, the funds were not acquired through capilistic wit, but through imploring the kindness of every man on the street. So, to a man earning "real peanuts" and still donates to charity, it is not acceptable that the head earns so much.

Anyway, whatever happened to the very necessary altruistic unselfishness that should be the cornerstone characteristic of a charitable leader? Put another earnest person wanting to serve the sick and I believe he'll not do as bad. Why? Because the sick are still around and they need help.

During the disastrous tsunami saga, many Singaporeans contributed generously without any dare-devil shows put up by media personalities or the promise of winning condominiums.

My point is - there is goodness in everyone. To help the less fortunate, we do not need a highly qualified person who sulks that he is getting lesser than what he would get in the private sector. We need a highly enlightened person who sincerely wants to help the poor, someone who answers a higher calling beyond making money. We need to know that money put into charitable organisations must be spent fully on the needy.



At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop my donations long time ago.Turned off by the stunts dose TCS artiste performed on stage.Not dat I watched the entire performance,5sec n I'm out.1)i donate not becos of i want condo n great prizes.2)Does singaporeans is so perve dat we enjoy seeing pple suffering den we will open our Coin pouch?3)I cant help tinking,(in my sadist mind) dat stunters do hope by performing the most talk abt stunts,will get more exposure hence enchancing their popularity?4)does it mean dat by asking a WELL KNOWN INTERNATIONAL ARTISTE to ask for donations,we r obliged to gve? I gve no face to nobody.I donate cos i want to help!International,global,universal makes no diff to me!


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