Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Mommy, Mommy...

It sure feels like a Friday evening, although its only the first day of the week. Well, eve of holiday, no work the next day, so we decided to catch a show - Flightplan.

Wifey told me the movie was screening at 7.30pm, the show was actually supposed to start at 7.10pm. I managed to get there in time. Settled down comfortably, hotdog in hand, all prepared to enjoy the movie. Mood set.

Now, just right behind us, there was this family of 3 - father, mother and son. They were chatting heartily. No problem with that for me as the show hadn't started yet. In fact, it was comforting to witness a sweet, tight family outing. Movie starts, the faultlines began to show. As it turned out, the son was the weakest link.

It took all of just 5 minutes to make my final decision to change seats.

First scene, Jodie Foster sits alone at the subway station.
"Mommy, Mommy... why is she sitting there?"

Following scene, Jodie Foster is packing bags.
"Mommy, Mommy... why is she packing her bags?"

Subsequently, Jodie Foster's daughter is afraid to step out of the front door.
"Mommy, Mommy... what is she scared of?"

I kid you not. Every scene, he'd ask why. Sweet Mommy was trying to explain to him in hushed tones, though she didn't know anymore than he did as the show just started.

Goodness, I don't remember anybody being that clueless as a kid. Frankly, if I were the parents, I'd rent a DVD. You just don't wash dirty laundry in public. We relocated to the next aisle in a jiffy. The show went on peacefully and it turned out quite interesting to me, though my wifey didn't quite like the twist.

Surprisingly though, this time round, no handphone was ringing. Everytime I watch a movie, there'd be a blasting ringtone piercing the silence or an SMS beeping away. But no, not this time.

I thank the movie goers' friends and relatives for not calling them - for I know for sure it's not that everybody decided to heed the cinema's request to silence the phone; it's just that nobody called.

In the meantime, before some ministry decides to have a "Cinema Etiquette Campaign", I ask the person above to give me the strength to accept things I cannot change.



At 5:10 PM, Blogger Hachiko Monogatari said...

To be honest, I've not stepped into a Cinema since the Godzilla debut (and it was my colleague who'd dragged me in to keep him company).

But I can understand your sentiments over that query-happy kid incident. Maybe the authority concerned should consider partitioning the Cinema into two sections: "With underage children" and "Grown Ups Only".

Just a suggestion...

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dude, go watch The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Scared myself shitless, instead of spending big bucks at "Halloween" parties, more value for money :P

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hachiko:tink shld hve immature audience section too!den we wun hve to suffer the screaming even b4 a horror movies starts n the shooshers trying to clear their salivas.

RC:lucky u,i always hve v sought after teenagers 4 company..


At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hachiko:tink shld hve immature audience section too!den we wun hve to suffer the screaming even b4 a horror movies starts n the shooshers trying to clear their salivas.

RC:lucky u,i always hve v sought after teenagers 4 company..



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