Monday, October 02, 2006

The One With the Billionaire

Today, I came face-to-face with a billionaire! And it happened in his house!!!

One of the wealthiest man in Singapore, he's not just another rich old man. He is THE man in my industry. In school, we discussed about his work; in the press, there's constant mention of him whenever they make out a who's who list; at work, we can only dream of achieving his financial status.

It was a Kodak moment for me, not unlike an excited fan meeting his idol. Well, after all these years, I met THE man at his house, at the invitation of his child, because a wall on one of the rooms in his mansion was damp. Yes, damp.

I suspected it was a leak from a wet area above the room. Well, the catch. No stranger was allowed upstairs. While I was explaining the need to inspect the upstairs to one of the many staff on hand, THE big man walked in, togged in silk PJs. Surprisingly, I wasn't awe struck at all. I just went ahead to offer my professional view on the matter - that it was not entirely possible solve the problem without indentifying the source of the problem.

Still adamant, he bellowed in dialect,"No need to see, so troublesome! Abit of moisture also won't die. Never mind don't do." To which I said,"I really can't help you if I can't investigate the source of the seepage. If you don't mind it, then we'll leave it for now."

There you go, my first words with a billionaire. Well, it wasn't a "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" moment, where I received wisdom from a legend. But it worked for me fine.

I'm still on a high. :)



At 8:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

SO how much does a billionaire's son pay you for telling them "yes, the wall is damp, from the secret chamber upstairs." Ha ha

At 8:45 PM, Blogger redcocoon said...

Not a cent, but priceless., just priceless...


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