Saturday, May 13, 2006

I Work For A Big Shot. Therefore, I Am?

Well..... wake up your bloody idea!

Over the long holiday weekend, I had a chance to visit my friend's club and take some shots with my clubs. Nice club, pretty range and excellent green.

After the good session, noticed that some big shot was in the club too. Don't know, don't care. Just don't stop me in my tracks so that that big f@#* can make his grand entrance.

So there I went about my own business, getting ready for a deserving shower, and I notice a stodgy, spiky haired man loitering in the changing room, staring menacingly at anybody who glances his way. Now, I get a lot of these weirdos in the changing area of a gym in town, but here, in a rather exclusive club? Well, different strokes, I thought.

Venturing out to the cafe after freshening up, I notice more of such species pacing the lobby. Pink Nation Convention? Well, it was a mighty hot day out, so admittedly I was rather slow. Think, think and then think... Ahhhh, bodyguards of that big shot. That explains the suspicious actions of those guys looking out for suspicious characters.

Now, I have no qualms about paranoid elites bringing a platoon of bodyguards out for a relaxing game of golf. The irony of it, eh??? But please, please don't come around treating everyone as suspects. We are all on our relaxing day out too. And no, we are not interested in taking your life. We just want to take a shower ... in peace.

Has anyone been unfortunate enough to have been stopped by the almighty traffic police on the road, just because some VIP in his big Merc wants to pass through without having to stop at traffic lights? Have you seen the number of TP's required to stop traffic for 1 length of road? Like I said, I don't give a hoot where you're going, but please, do not bother me. I pay road tax too. What if I had an emergency?

So back to the rather unfit looking posse, who after much ado about nothing, ended up standing around and cleaning the couple of Mercs. I wonder where their source of pride comes from, to treat fellow innocent Singaporeans the way they do. Just cos' you're working for a big shot, you think you're great too? Nah, I don't think so - you're just there to take a bullet. It's like how I feel about fanatic soccer fans. You think those soccer stars care about you singing their team songs at pubs? Sad to say, they're only interested in your wives and daughters, and of course your money, to pay for the exclusive hotels.

So, my point is - it's your life, live it the way you want. But please, do not treat us as offenders. In the end, we're all humans. We eat. We shit. We fart...


At 6:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

ya man. you should see those ppl that works at the American Embassy, nabeh maciam they also Americans like that. End of day also someone else's jagah what...

At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pity dose pple..haiiiiiiiiii...


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