Friday, July 21, 2006

Video Killed The Radio Star

As I was on my way to work today, I heard this radio commercial about a new condo called, The Quartz, by Guoco Land. It really reflects the downfall of advertisements on the radio.

While I can't remember every word in the ad, the gist of it is a guy lamenting the end of World Cup 2006 and sulking about what he's gonna do with all the free time now. Perfectly normal situation most guys face now.

Here comes the disappointment, aptly delivered by a lady. She responds by telling him to head down to the new showflat at The Quartz, going on to highlight the key attractions of this new condo project, suggesting that its the best time to buy.

Hmmm... lemme get this right... guy sad with end of World Cup ... wondering what to do with free time ... woman asks him to go buy a condo. Ok, that works out just right.

-Women indeed ARE from Venus
-Advertising executives are earning way too much
-Property market must be booming, for people are not paying too much attention to ads
