Friday, April 06, 2007

Writer's Choke

It's been such a long long time. The heart has been very willing, but not the literary fingers.

There's so much to write about. Some journalist wrote that our authorities are highly ranked amongst their counterparts, but question why Singaporeans keep having so many complaints about the powers that be. It's so simple, the fellow counterparts simply wish they have that kind of clout over their people. Think the "Ah Sia Kia" (rich man's son) and his poorer cousins, while Singaporeans are the collective ex-girlfriends of the "Ah Sia Kia". You'd know what I mean then.

Then there's another writer that questions which gender to blame on the decreasing number of marriages. This "out-of-idea" writer is clearly trying to evoke another age-old battle-of-the-sexes "discussion". I say neither; instead, blame it on the "Ah Sia Kia". Just lower the price of basic housing and the price of cars - you'd see a baby boom. The existing baby policies can then be shoved up where the sun don't shine.

Of course, nothing beats the most desparate of all writers, the one who brought up the idea of scrapping the "Singapore Girl" again. Talk about flogging the dead lamb, yet amazingly, the people lapped it up!? My god! Simply put, SIA is nothing without the iconic Singapore Girl. Yes, she's a great way to fly. Just let the lady carry on with her tasks.

More recently and most ridiculously, the "emotive hero" (can't remember if I got the term right). It basically means a person who turns out to be admired although he may not be entirely doing the right thing. Point-in-case is Wentworth Miller's character, Michael Scofield, in the hit drama "Prison Break". The writer goes on to say such a person shouldn't be worshipped as an idol because no one in reality would purposely get into prison just to get his brother out of pruson. Exactly, my dear writer! It's just a show. By trying to question viewers' intelligence, this writer has unwittingly exposed who's the dumbwitted one. Just let viewers escape from reality and revel in the brilliance of the script writers once in awhile. Do not try to read too much into it. It's just a show, let it go...

Yes, so much to write about, yet I went missing for months. Sometimes, it's painful, so many worthless writers out there who have the power of print, and they abuse it with articles of no substance.

Some writers have Writer's Block, I'm overwhelmed by Writer's Choke - too little time, so much to write about.



At 12:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's why you have to write, my friend.

Give them so called 'journalists/commmentators' a run for their money.

Inter-neck got a lot of kiang lang, you know??


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